Sculpture in Context 2021 – Michael C Keane Irish Sculptor

by: Michael C Keane Sculptor

October 4, 2021

Sculpture in Context 2021 cover photo featuring Michael C Keane Irish Sculptor at work

Snail Ceramic Sculpture at Sculpture in Context 2021, Botanic Gardens

in September 2021 Michael C Keane exhibited at Sculpture in Context. It is an event that is running in the Botanic Gardens Dublin. It is showcasing work from acclaimed artists across Ireland. Here you can see the large snail sculpture on display in the garden.

Sculpture in Context 2021 Snail Sculpture on display in Botanic Gardens Dublin
Michael C Keane – Ceramic Snail Sculpture on display at Botanic Gardens 2021

About Sculpture in Context

Sculpture in Context was established in 1985 to raise the profile of sculpture and provide a platform for artists outside the normal gallery context. It is a not for profit organisation run by sculptors. The exhibition was founded by Cliodna Cussen, Colm Brennan and Gerard Cox and originated in Fernhill Gardens where it ran for 10 years. Since then it has been hosted in the Conrad Hotel, Malahide Castle, Kilmainham Gaol, the Irish Management Institute, Dublin Castle, Farmleigh House and since 2002 has been held in the magnificent National Botanic Gardens.

For More please see the Sculpture in Context

If you are interested in this sculpture or any of Michael’s other work please contact him today.


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